Beer, Beards and Burton on Trent
So yesterday, my friends and I, a sizeable gang of mature football fans and real ale champions, visited the lovely town of Burton on Trent. Having heard so much about the wonderful pubs and micro-breweries there, we expected the beers to be good - and we weren't disappointed. What a great place it is. We were welcomed in three excellent micro-breweries selling the tastiest of beers with very pleasant barstaff and clientele. My favourite, 'The Last Heretic' named after the last non-believer to be burned at the stake deserves a shout out along with the manager Peter Spittles who welcomed us with open arms.
Guess what - Father Christmas was there as well. We compared beards, his was as white as snow of course and definitely not fake. I know, I scrutenised this fella closely, if he wasn't the real Santa, he had to be the closest I'd ever seen. He had mastered every detail, from delicate wire spectacles to rosy cheeks. Why he was there I have no idea. There were elves too!
Whilst chatting with Santa (as you do) my wife and friends moved on without me and so I had to run to catch them up. Out of breath I ran past a group of teenagers on bikes. One of which impressed me with his wit by shouting 'Run, Forest, run! You can do it!' A reference to my nicely developing beard (have you checked out my Just Giving page yet?). Forest Gump - another name to add to the list of people I now apparently resemble.
Of course we had to attend the match. The Pirelli stadium is a neat little ground (capacity 7000) and home to the Brewers. To be honest, we weren't surprised when the Brewers beat the Millers (we're getting used to it).
So back to the pub. This time walking, for an enjoyable evening and then the train home.
A standing ovation to the Millers fan who entertained the entire train coach with his renditions of those well-known football anthems 'The wheels on the bus' and 'If you're happy and you know it' - great stuff.