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Forgetting to shave for alzheimers society

I recently had a week off work. A time to relax and chill. I did what I always do at these times - I started to grow a beard. Now usually I only last four days before the itching gets to me, but this time I persevered and at the time of writing have reached 14 days. I have a respectable beard taking shape, though I'm looking scruffy and very much resembling Karl Pilkington (respect).

On return to work (I work in a hospital) a couple of nurses suggested I collect sponsorship for charity. I explained that the beard may not last much longer but they argued that I should keep it and have it shaped professionally - a designer beard (not commited to that - fully). They would each sponsor me a fiver! A voice from behind me, a poorly patient then called me and handed me another fiver. I respectfully declined when a second patient stated that I was doing an admiraable thing. I corrected her - I have just been too lazy to shave.

It appeared no one was listening and soon I had donations totalling £20. Well, there was no going back from there - so here it is: I already have a beard developing but the challenge is to nurture it and have it professionally styled and maintained until 2017. I therefore ask you kind people to out there to do the donating.

All monies raised to Alzheimers society - a disease that has touched my family.

I have created a charity webpage

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